
Virgin Galactic

We will conquer space together and change the world.

Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, vuelo VSS Unity
Bru & Bru sello de agencia de viajes pionera en Virgin Galactic

Virgin Galactic is the first commercial spaceline in the world that will fulfil the dreams of thousands of people: to fly into space and look back down on our planet from the stratosphere.

BRU&BRU is the only agency in Spain and Andorra accredited to sell suborbital flights from Virgin Galactic. Furthermore, Ana Bru will be the first Spanish woman to take this trip into space.

Space is within your reach.

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From the origins through to today

Sir Richard Branson was ahead of his time when he decided to create Virgin Galactic. BRU&BRU understood the importance of this project and, in 2007, we were chosen as Accredited Virgin Galactic Space Agents in Spain and Andorra.

In order to maintain our philosophy of only recommending those experiences of which we have personal first-hand knowledge, Ana Bru and Ramón Segarra (her husband) decided to embark on this adventure themselves.

  • Richard Branson’s birthday, 2009

    Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, fiesta para Richard Branson de Virgin Galactic, 2009
  • We are future astronauts, 2009

    Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic unveil, 2009
  • With Buzz Aldrin, 2010

    Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic y Buzz Aldrin, 2010
  • Unveiling of SpaceShipOne, 2012

    Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Ana Bru con Richard Branson de Virgin Galactic, 2012
  • Richard Branson, 2012

    Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Ana Bru con Richard Branson de Virgin Galactic, 2012
  • Unveiling at Spaceport America, 2012

    Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Ana Bru con Richard Branson de Virgin Galactic, 2012
  • Test flight, 2013

    Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Ana Bru con Richard Branson de Virgin Galactic, 2013
  • Unveiling of the spacesuits, 2019

    Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Ana Bru en la presentación de los trajes espaciales de Virgin Galactic, 2019

The space experience

We are going to fulfil the dreams of all those people wishing to become the pioneers of a new age by giving them the opportunity to live a magical, unique and once-in-a-lifetime experience: to gaze upon the Earth from the stratosphere. We are going to change how they value the beauty and fragility of our planet.

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Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic y Ana Bru en el entrenamiento espacial en Nastar
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic y Ana Bru en el entrenamiento espacial en Nastar
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic y Ana Bru en el entrenamiento espacial en Nastar
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic y Ana Bru en el entrenamiento espacial en Nastar
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic y Ana Bru en el entrenamiento espacial en Nastar

This will be a life-changing experience for many. Of course, safety will be our main concern: the safety of our passengers, our crew and our spaceships.

Future astronauts will take part in the Virgin Galactic training programme, which will ensure that each one is psychologically and physically prepared to enjoy every second of their space flight.

Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22, Richard Branson
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, vuelo VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, vuelo VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, vuelo VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, vuelo VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22

After three days of training and preparation at Spaceport America, the future astronauts will board the Virgin Unity spaceship (coupled to the mothership) for their trip into space.

Once the two ships have climbed to approximately 50,000 feet, the Virgin Unity spaceship will be released from the mothership and will propel itself into space at a speed of 4,000 km/h.

When the time comes, the pilots will disengage the rocket engine so that passengers can leave their seats and enjoy the best views of the Earth for several minutes in zero-g.

Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22 tripulación
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22, Richard Branson
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Ana Bru con Richard Branson de Virgin Galactic, 2013
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic equipo con Richard Branson
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship

Once the ship has descended back to approximately 50,000 feet, the wings will return to their standard configuration for a dynamic glide and smooth landing on the runway at Spaceport America.

As they disembark from the spaceship, the crew will have officially become “astronauts” and part of the most exclusive group of adventurers in the world. They will be ready to celebrate their achievement with friends and family in a way that only Virgin knows how.

Bru & Bru agencia de viajes exclusivos, Ana Bru volará a la estratosfera con Virgin Galactic

“I’m convinced that travelling into space will represent a before-and-after moment in my life.”

Ana Bru

Characteristics of Virgin Galactic

Virgin Galactic uses a reusable space flight system consisting of the WhiteKnightTwo passenger plane and SpaceShipTwo, the first private passenger transport spaceship operated as a commercial service.

Plan your trip into space
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic VSS Unity

WhiteKnightTwo is the quadjet twin fuselage mothership custom built and designed to carry SpaceShipTwo up to an altitude of approximately 50,000 feet.

This space vehicle concept is the ideal solution for commercial space flights due to its safety, the experience it offers to passengers and its energy efficiency.

The first WhiteKnightTwo, VMS Eve, was launched in 2008 and underwent an extensive test flight programme.

bru & bru, agencia de viajes exclusivos - VSS SpaceShip III de la nueva flota de Virgin Galactic
bru & bru, agencia de viajes exclusivos - VSS SpaceShip III de la nueva flota de Virgin Galactic
bru & bru, agencia de viajes exclusivos - VSS SpaceShip III de la nueva flota de Virgin Galactic
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship
bru & bru, agencia de viajes exclusivos - VSS SpaceShip III de la nueva flota de Virgin Galactic
bru & bru, agencia de viajes exclusivos - VSS SpaceShip III de la nueva flota de Virgin Galactic
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, vuelo VSS Unity
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship
bru & bru, agencia de viajes exclusivos - VSS SpaceShip III de la nueva flota de Virgin Galactic

SpaceShipTwo is a reusable spaceship designed to safely carry eight people (including two pilots). Furthermore, it was named VSS Unity by professor Stephen Hawking at an inauguration ceremony in 2016.

SpaceShipTwo’s most innovative feature is its unique capability to change its shape in space to ensure a repeatable safe re-entry. By rotating its wings and tail booms upwards while in space, the vehicle’s stability and rate of deceleration in descent is controlled by aerodynamic forces.

Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship interior de la cabina
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship interior de la cabina
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship interior de la cabina
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic Spaceship interior de la cabina

SpaceShipTwo’s cabin has been designed to maximise safety, comfort and the astronaut experience.

The interior is exceptionally spacious and has been specifically designed to optimise the out-of-seat zero gravity experience.

This trip to space will be mainly defined by the views, which is why the cabin has more windows than any other spacecraft in history. The astronauts will be able to look out into the cosmos and back to our beautiful planet below with a new perspective in each direction.

The custom-designed next-generation seats are ergonomic and made from lightweight recyclable material. What’s more, each one is fitted with a screen to ensure that no detail of the flight is missed.

Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Unity22 tripulación
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic vuelos al espacio, Richard Branson
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic traje espacial y Richard Branson
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic traje espacial y Ana Bru
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic traje espacial y Richard Branson
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic traje espacial de Ana Bru
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic traje espacial

In partnership with Under Armour, Virgin Galactic has created the first collection of spacesuits for private astronauts.

The collection consists of a base layer, a spacesuit, special footwear, a training suit and a Limited Edition astronaut jacket. It has been designed to combine comfort with functionality while guaranteeing a unique experience.

As a Future Astronaut, Ana Bru attended the unveiling event in New York and saw the suit she will wear herself during her own suborbital flight.

Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America y Spaceship
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America
Bru & Bru agencia de viajes, Virgin Galactic, Spaceport America

Located in New Mexico, Spaceport America is the base for all manned space flights by Virgin Galactic and its operations centre. It was designed by Foster + Partners and won an international architecture competition organised in 2007 to create the first commercial spaceport in the world.

Spaceport America is funded by the State of New Mexico and the counties of Sierra and Dona Ana. It is the perfect backdrop against which to start and end a space flight. It is equipped with cutting-edge installations and an astronaut training centre, as well as all the vehicle hangars.

Values and purpose

This story began thousands of years ago, driven by the inherent need for human beings to explore the universe and innovate to build a better future.


Exploring space is the ultimate expression of the human desire to push boundaries. Achieving that is undoubtedly one of the greatest milestones for our species. Not only because of the incredible ingenuity required but also because, without it, modern life would be unrecognisable.


Space gives us a new perspective. From up there, the borders over which so many battles are fought on Earth become arbitrary lines and it becomes clear that there is much more that unites us than separates us.

Democratising space

Virgin Galactic wishes to fulfil the dreams of all those who want to travel into space and become pioneers of a new age. That is why Spaceship Company is developing and operating a new generation of space vehicles.


Flying into space is a challenging ambition, but a highly necessary and possible one now. For the first time, we are creating the basic infrastructure for access to space that will serve to help scientists and business leaders for many years to come. This is the start of a new age of space exploration that promises to have a very positive impact for life on Earth.

VSS Unity

The first Virgin Galactic spaceship to enter service is the VSS Unity. Unity and her sister spaceships offer the first ever opportunity for anyone to become a private astronaut. They will also offer the scientific community a unique platform for space research.

Future astronauts and their pilots

Welcome to the new global group of space explorers. The future astronauts of Virgin Galactic come from over 50 different countries around the world. More than half of these nations have never completed a space flight and, of those that have, more than a dozen are still waiting to see their first female astronaut. In Spain, Ana Bru and her husband, Ramón Segarra, now form part of this historic programme.

We answer your questions

Virgin Galactic has one mission: to be the spaceline that opens up space to the whole world, enabling a new generation of adventurers to embark on a life-changing experience. Would you like to be one of the first private astronauts in the world?


Safety is our priority. Our vehicles have been built to be safer through intelligent design. Furthermore, we will prepare each astronaut via a programme of medical checks and personalised training.


The future astronauts will complete our on-site pre-flight training programme at Spaceport America. Our aerospace medical experts will be constantly available to offer advice and assistance, as well as to verify the physical condition of astronauts before the flight.


The Virgin Galactic VSS Imagine spaceship innovates in both design and flight experience. Its innovative design allows Imagine to reflect the surrounding environment as it moves from the Earth into space, and its production is highly efficient.


VSS Imagine will begin testing on the ground, with glide flights starting in the summer of 2021 from Spaceport America in New Mexico.


We will provide in-depth preparation to each astronaut via a personalised programme of medical checks and training. As part of this training, each astronaut will learn to make the most of their time in microgravity, as well as how to feel comfortable and safe during the periods of strong acceleration.

Who can be a future astronaut?

The future astronauts of Virgin Galactic are of all ages, from adolescents to people in their 90s. They all come from different backgrounds, have different professions and speak different languages. Despite being so different, they all share the same overwhelming desire to live a personal, unique and safe experience in space. Furthermore, future astronauts are invited to form part of each step throughout the Virgin Galactic journey.

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I’m ready! Are you?

This story began thousands of years ago, driven by the intrinsic human desire to explore the universe, innovate and build a better future for all. That future is here today and space will soon be within reach of every human being! At BRU & BRU, we feel very proud to have joined the Virgin Galactic adventure and to form part of the incredible history of space flight. Would you like to join us?

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