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    On behalf of the company, we treat the information that you provide us with to participate in our personnel selection processes. In case of being selected for the next phase we will inform you of such decision. The data you provide us with will be kept for a maximum time of 1 year, after which it will be eliminated. In any case you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion. The data will not be transferred to third parties.

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      • Bru & bru agencia de viajes miembro de Acave
      • Further East logo
      • Bru & Bru Preferred partner de OceanSky Cruises
      • Bru & Bru miembro de, member of, The house of beyond
      • Bru & Bru miembro de, member of, Whole world water
      • BRU & BRU couture-by-langham